
Investment Analyst at Hasso Plattner Foundation (HPF) / HPC (opens in a new tab).





  1. Detecting Stale Data in Wikipedia Infoboxes (opens in a new tab) with M. Barth, T. Bleidt, M. Büßemeyer, N. Köhnecke, T. Bleifuß, L. Bornemann, D. Kalashnikov, F. Naumann, and D. Srivastava in Proceedings of the International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), 2023, pp. 450–456. EDBT Association.
  2. Tooling for Time- and Space-Efficient Git Repository Mining (opens in a new tab) with W. Scheibel and J. Döllner in Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 2022, pp. 413–417. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
  3. A Cockpit for the Development and Evaluation of Autonomous Database Systems (opens in a new tab) with J. Kossmann, M. Boissier, A. Dubrawski, C. Mandel, U. Pigorsch, M. Schneider, T. Schniese, M. Sobhani, P. Tsayun, K. Wille, M. Perscheid, M. Uflacker, and H. Plattner in 37th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2021, pp. 2685–2688. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

2024 © Fabian Heseding